Who Exactly is Jacob Eaton?
March 29, 2022
It’s been a while since I last sat down to write up a new post for this website. The last year or so has been a chaotic maelstrom between school and work, not to mention the effects of living in a world with COVID-19. For the time being, thankfully, things have slowed down. I thought I’d take the time to lay out where I am in life.
I’m a 22 year old undergraduate mechanical engineering student studying at the University of Cincinnati. I’m on year 4 of the 5 year program and will be graduating in May 2023. The program lasts 5 years rather than the usual 4 due to the inclusion of alternating co-op semesters. I selected UC because I wanted to gain as much work experience as possible before I even obtain a degree.
I’m a member of UC’s International Co-op Program and have been given the incredible opportunity to live and work in Japan. I am currently living in Tokyo; I never would have thought growing up in the suburbs of Ohio that I’d end up in the largest city in the world. I landed in Japan on March 28th and will be staying until August 12th, 2022.
It’s a dream come true to wake up each morning in Tokyo. A dream that I honestly was worried wouldn’t be able to happen. I count myself very lucky that I my current employer, Passiv Energie Japan Inc., worked so hard get me here. As soon Japan’s border restrictions loosened to the point where I could enter the country, I put in my two weeks at Raising Cane’s and got to work preparing to move across the world.
I packed rather light and wasn’t able to bring any tools or projects, but I’m sure that I’ll be able to stay busy during the coming months. Between studying Japanese and exploring the city in the evenings, there is much to do. I plan to keep this website up-to-date throughout my journey.