Site Update - 5/27/2020

May 27, 2020

It may not seem like much has happened since the last time I made a post, but I have been doing a lot of work under the hood for this website. While messing around with CSS I have repeatedly broken and then fixed more elements than I would like to admit. I have been using a clone of this website to test changes before deploying to the real thing, it has been affectionately named Yuma.

Over the past month, I have implemented pagination, syntax highlighting, internet explorer specific CSS, and leveraged some of the features of Sass (as shown below). I don’t think that’s too bad considering that I’m taking 16 credit hours of classes right now.

Variables - I’m using variables to keep theme colors consistent and to allow each color to be changed with a single statement. I also have a variable for the font stack that I am using.

$blueprint_blue: #0b72ca;
$blueprint_line_light: #e0e7ff;
$blueprint_line_dark: #bcc7e8;

Mixins - I’m using mixins for transformations and box shadows, all I have to do is call the mixin on a single line with my desired inputs and Sass creates CSS declarations for a variety of browsers.

@mixin transform($property) {
  -webkit-transform: $property;
  -o-transform: $property;
  -moz-transform: $property;

Nested CSS selectors - I’m using nested CSS selectors to clean up my stylesheet. The CSS selectors follow the same visual hierarchy as my HTML and are much more readable than what I previously used.

#pager {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 20px 0 20px 0;
  margin: 0;
  a {
    color: $link_dark;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 1.25em;
  a:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

I am currently finishing out my lease in Cincinnati, which is somewhat prohibitive as most of my projects have been left at home. I have at least been collecting images to go over the work that I have put into both my XZ550 and YG1-TK.



About Me


  I am a Mechanical Engineering graduate of the University of Cincinnati. I enjoy working with my hands and programming. I am currently working on a variety of projects that you will find here.

Jacob H. Eaton

Research Engineer